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Wipebook Flipcharts Inspiring College Students

"These freshmen have also been exposed to a great deal of technology, but that doesn’t make then necessarily digital literate.  This is where Wipebook really helps fill a gap that I see in the classroom."


 How can you be successful in college?  How do you make friends in classes?  What is the most effective form of studying and preparing for tests in College? One of the most effective ways of practicing critical thinking skills is by using Wipebook Flipcharts to make informed decisions without the pressure of being right or wrong!



Sometimes the Lesson is not what it seems  



Just because students have gone off to college doesn’t mean they are willing to sit silently in a lecture situation for 50 minutes.  I teach some of the many “Introduction to College “classes on our main campus.  There are similar classes taught at colleges and universities across the nation.  The incoming freshmen we see in our classes have been exposed to more engagement in classroom environments because of the inventive teaching done in the K-12 world.  






These freshmen have also been exposed to a great deal of technology, but that doesn’t make then necessarily digital literate.  This is where Wipebook really helps fill a gap that I see in the classroom.  Students want and need to interact with other students.  Freshmen are learning to operate in a whole new world and are having to make new friends, which is something some of them have not had to do since first grade!  The first thing they do after getting their Wipebook sheets is introduce themselves.






I had the students get into a small group with people they had not interacted with in class before and use the Wipebook to brainstorm ideas on topics that they would then share with the class as a whole.  Then they had some time to play tic/tac/toe and quickly erase it.  Why do I mention this off task event?  Because part of an Introduction to College class is working with new people and getting to know them.  This wasn’t a huge distraction, but it did allow two people who had never talked to each other before to have just a small moment of gaiety.  Since we were discussing study habits, and how to survive the first round of tests successfully, taking small breaks from studying or concentrating is a suggested idea on successful study habits.



Questions include:

  • What are the best ways to take notes?
  • Where can you get help?
  • Where are the best places to study?



Passing it forward 



Everything cleaned up easily and now these Wipebooks belong with a colleague who was looking for the same idea, but in a sustainable format, these can be used over and over and don’t kill trees or generate trash.  She will use it to teach future teachers literacy instruction.



Mary Harriet Talbut, Southeast Missouri State University. 



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