Wipebook Flipchart: A Vehicle for Thought Sharing

"Every year my colleagues and I gather our teaching supplies at the start of the school year and we always want so many anchor charts to use through the year. The anchor charts are expensive and are not erasable. I really enjoy have Wipebook Flipcharts in my classroom because they are affordable and reusable."


This week, my students were tasked to use Wipebook Flipcharts to record their feedback, write appreciations to teachers, and solve mathematical problems. We love anchor chart activities and getting students on their feet so it was exciting to test out this product and its reusable properties.

Teacher Appreciation Week

Recently, it was Teacher Appreciation Week and what better way to show your appreciation for your teachers than by using Wipebook Flipcharts to write notes and comments. I gave my students one question for this quick activity: Who are the teachers that you want to appreciate and why?

All around the classroom you could see students using their creativity to draft out some words of admiration for their teachers and treating the Flipchart like a large greeting card. They used lots of different colours of dry erase markers to answer the question. It was nice to let them explore the Flipcharts in different ways and to not be afraid to make mistakes.

Students are using the Wipebook Flipchart to write messages to their teachers for Teacher Appreciation Week.


Pythagorean Theorem & Irrational Numbers

Next up, students worked in small groups to analyze a two way table and create one from a scenario using the Wipebook Flipcharts. 

My students and I love using the flipcharts for whiteboarding because they are easily transportable and they allow students to edit their work without messing up the page. The detachable page allow for my classroom to be used to its fullest and every student gets a workspace to call their own. One of my students said, “I love using Wipebook Flipcharts because it’s fun and easy to use.” Allowing the freedom to let their minds solve the problems or brainstorm new ideas

Example of a math problem to be solved by students.Example of a math problem to be solved by students


Every year my colleagues and I gather our teaching supplies at the start of the school year and we always want so many anchor charts to use through the year. The anchor charts are expensive and are not erasable. I really enjoy have Wipebook Flipcharts in my classroom because they are affordable and reusable. It's a great eco-conscience alternative. As teachers, we don't need to give up on chart activities since the product can last us all year round. It's a great investment.

Student is using a Wipebook Flipchart to solve a math problem


LANGUAGE! Live Feedback

Summit Atlas was given a trial run of a reading program called LANGUAGE! Live. To give some context of this program's "instruction reinforces the literacy foundations students need while strategically using authentic text to engage and accelerate them to grade-level proficiency." as stated on their website. I had my students test out the program then use Wipebook Flipcharts to share feedback on the program.

Student is using Wipebook Flipchart to give feedback on a language program


Wipebook Flipcharts are often seen in math focused lessons but I believe they are equally important in ELA contexts. They were of use for letting my students put theirs thoughts on paper and share them with their fellow classmates. In all, the students were excited and enjoyed using the Wipebook for many types of activities. 


Naeema Surin, Teacher, Summit Atlas


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