Go Green with Wipebook!
Paper waste in the classroom
As educators we are unfortunately constantly wasting paper each and everyday. There are some things that are completely out of our control, but we can definitely try our best to eliminate the amount of paper waste we have in the classroom. Making small changes in your classroom can make a HUGE difference on the amount of money and paper that is being saved each year!
As teachers we need to demonstrate to our students the importance of saving paper and doing good for the environment. We need to show them that we are taking the first step to become more environmentally friendly, this can include saving paper, encourage recycling, less plastic waste etc.
Here are some tips from the Wipebook Team on how our products help waste less paper in the classroom!
The Wipebook Flipchart
Wipebook Flipcharts are the ultimate replacement for your standard Flipchart. They are whiteboard material and allow students and teachers to demonstrate concepts on large surfaces that can be used over and over again. In many instances teachers use paper flipcharts to create anchor charts for the unit they are teaching, once the unit is finished these paper flipcharts are thrown out. Wipebook Flipcharts allow teachers to create anchor charts and reuse the flipchart again once the unit is completed. It's as easy as erasing a whiteboard and starting over. This eliminates a huge amount of paper waste for educators.
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The Wipebook Pro
Every person at one point has gone through an entire notebook, in most cases the pages are filled with scribbles, notes and "To Do" lists. Once the notebook is filled the pages usually get thrown out and a new notebook is purchased. The Wipebook Pro is your new best friend, you can write every "To Do" list, meeting notes, scribbles and doodles all in one place. The Notebook has 10 double sided pages that are whiteboard material, therefor once you've finished your list or finalized a project, you can erase and restart. No more wasting paper and money on notes! The Wipebook Pro will be by your side for years to come!
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The Wipebook Workbooks
As a teacher I have given out my fair share of scrap paper for tests, brainstorming and writing activities. The Wipebook Workbooks are the perfect solution to eliminate scrap paper waste. They are thin whiteboard workbooks with four surfaces that allow students to solve a quick math problem, write down ideas and doodle! The Wipebook Workbooks come in packs of 25, with two blank, one lined and one graph surfaces. They are perfect for your classroom and each student will be able to have one with them at all times. These workbooks encourage problem solving and allow students to explore their creativity while using less paper!
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Wipebook provides educators with discounts, incentives and amazing products that will help build their students confidence while saving paper!
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