Sharpen your … um … skill sets, students. It’s time to think about the school year ahead

It may seem early to start talking about back-to-school, but it’s timely for those starting their courses in mid-August, or students packing up their stuff to move to dorms and new cities housing their universities.
To students, this is the chance to begin with a clean slate (pun?). Each new school year starts with wild aspirations of all the achievements that can be obtained, and anticipation for the new adventures that are about to unfold.
But it may also begin with a sense of anxiety over all the unknowns that may take place: “Will they like me?”, “Will I fit in?”, “What if I fail?”.
The truth is, no one really knows how the school year might unfold, and what it will bring with it. The one thing that can be guaranteed is that no one emerges at the end of the term unchanged.
It’s a wonderful time for personal growth, both through external experiences with others as well as introspection. Schools and universities exist to teach us specific subjects, but they also provide an interesting social environment where the knowledge acquired is tested every day.
Staying true to my helpful self, I’ve taken some time to put together a handy dandy list below of recommended readings to get the student in you better prepared for the coming year- at least in terms of the learning process.
I can’t help you with murky things like impressing your crush enough to go out with you, picking a respectable wardrobe, or cheap and easy student cooking recipes.
Here are some techniques for brainstorming to get sh*t done (
Working through your math problems is a written process, but for Pete’s sake, go paperless (Seriously, the science on paper wasting is scary) (
Figure out what type of learner you are. Make your life easier (
Don’t waste time when you study (
Embrace the doodles! (
And finally some whiteboarding tips and tricks (
You are all so very welcome.