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Student Paper Drain

 Whiteboard notebook student notebook


So, you're in College and you're studying for a Calculus final.

And your roommate is pissed because you used up her last 400 sheets of Hilroy because you stayed up all night pounding out solutions to:  

  • Integration by Parts;
  • Trigonometric Integrals;
  • Trigonometric Substitutions;
  • Completing Squares;
  • Partial Fractions; and
  • And a crap ton of other topics that you'll never use again in this lifetime.

Sure, laptops and tablets may help to reduce some of the student paper drain, but more and more professors are barring portable technology from their classrooms.

Understandably so because research on effective studying habits suggests that students who take notes and do math problems by hand, comprehend the material more deeply, and are better at remembering it, both in the short-term and in the long-term.  

And let's face it, laptops and tablets won't help you learn how to do a Calculus problem involving "Integration by Parts" anyway. (That takes good old fashion elbow crease in the form of putting pen to paper my friend.)

What to do about this paper paradox?

Well, Wipebook allows you to jot down handwritten notes without wasting any paper, giving you the best of both worlds I guess...

Bring on the math is our mantra.

All jokes aside though: Did you know that even though a lot of post secondary educational institutions and businesses are making the switch to paperless practices and record keeping, paper usage has actually increased by 126% in the last twenty years

Even more shocking, did you know that, according to the Paperless Project:

  • The U.S. uses approximately 68 million trees each year to produce paper and paper products;
  • The average person in the United States...consumed as much paper as 6 people combined in Asia or more than 30 people in Africa;
  • Due to paper consumption, an estimated 18 million acres of forest are lost each year, equaling a loss of 20 football fields every minute; and
  • And if deforestation continues at the current rate, it will take less than 100 years to destroy all the rainforests on the earth.

Most people assume that these environmental dilemmas can be rectified through recycling, but that's only half true. Paper can only be recycled seven to ten times before it becomes completely unusable. So, we still have a huge paper wasting problem on our hands.

The news might be bleak, but we can all help out simply by being more aware of the paper we use.

Students will always need to write stuff down and use paper to study for finals. That's inevitable.  But by taking advantage of operable dry erase and reusable whiteboard notebooks like the Wipebook, perhaps they can alleviate some conventional paper wasting one sheet at a time.
