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Wipebook creating my Thinking Classroom

"Wipebooks allow for deep discussion of the tasks as students  can discuss the work of each group and process the learning."



Wipebooks are the absolute best to use in a mathematical and science thinking classroom. Students are given challenging tasks in which they compete in groups at the boards.  Fixing mistakes and changing answers are an intricate part of learning. Wipebooks allow students to work in a safe environment in which all of their answers are respected.



Lessons begin with good problem solving tasks. At the beginning of every class, a visibly random method is used to create groups of three students who will work together for the duration of the class. Students stand and work on the Wipebooks which increases attention and motivates students to do their best.  Students interact with other groups frequently, for the purposes of both extending their work and getting help.



The Wipebooks allow for great Gallery Walks to view how other groups approached and solved the same tasks. They also allow for easy reporting out , as every group can see the work of others. Wipebooks allow for deep discussion of the tasks as students  can discuss the work of each group and process the learning.Students focus on showing their thinking and discussing their different methods to reach a solution.  Retention is increased using this method!






 My students are excited to use the Wipebooks. They also allow for easily photographing student groups for displays and social media to involve parents and community in the happenings of the classroom.  The photos can also be used to introduce related concepts and extend learning. It is a reminder of what students have already accomplished.





Wipebooks motivate the students to stay on task and to do their best work so that they can show it off to the other groups in the classroom and to other classes that are working on the same concept. We are excited to use our Wipebooks daily and  I have seen increased active engagement in my students.



Cindy Seckel, Teacher, Deer Park Middle School.



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