Number of the Day

"Students are able to easily change their answers by erasing a mistake without struggling and can quickly redo the problem."


I had the chance to use MathReps Workbooks Wipebook in my Second Grade classroom. I am very impressed with how they have helped both me and my students. Number of the Day is an activity repeated daily in the classroom and used to be met with groans.

We use Number of the Day to reinforce place value skills such as hundreds, tens and ones, greater than and less than, expanded form, word form and standard form, and value of a digit among other things. With the Wipebook MathReps Workbooks we are able to do Number of the day in a much more efficient way and students are now truly engaged. 


Reinforcing Place Value Independently


The Workbooks have changed the way that Number of the Day operates in my Second Grade classroom. The first benefit is saving paper. By using the MathReps Workbooks, we can reuse the same board every day. This means we do not need to print a new copy of Number of the Day each week. Students are able to easily change their answers by erasing a mistake without struggling and can quickly redo the problem.


I am also able to provide immediate feedback as they are easy to read at a glance and students find them easier to use as they are visually appealing and laid out in an easy to understand manner. Students are gaining confidence through the use of Wipebook Workbooks, even if they get the answer wrong they can easily erase, restart and try again.  




Another advantage of this easy-to-use tool is that since Wipebook are curriculum independent students can simultaneously practice the same skills but with numbers in a range that matches their level. Rather than everyone practicing with the same numbers, I can assign students different numbers easily but students are still practicing the same skills and standards. 



Student working in addition skills in Wipebook MathReps Workbooks

Using Wipebook MathReps Workbooks has helped lower the cognitive load for students and turned a route task into something exciting. Although we are using them daily, students are not bored! I am seeing them complete the skills faster each day, gain math proficiency, and each student is able to be successful because they are working at the level they are at. 


Student using the Reusable Wipebook MathReps Workbook

Geometry and Wipebooks


Another thing I love about Wipebook MathReps Workbooks is that in addition to all the place value skills that are being mastered, I have been able to add geometry to our daily practice. 



Student working geometry skills in Wipebook MathReps Workbooks



Wipebook allow students to draw a shape and then they identify the number of sides, angles, vertices, lines of symmetry and more. I have seen a marked improvement in students' ability to routinely know the vocabulary associated with geometry but also be able to independently complete the task at hand. 


This is a stark difference from past years when students struggled with geometry skills and it was viewed with frustration.



MathReps geometry skills



MathReps has allowed us to repeat the skills daily which in turn allows students to be successful faster, get immediate feedback from me, and easily restart with either a new shape or redo the same shape until that shape is mastered. 


Overall I have seen a huge improvement in student success, student engagement and a faster mastery of all the skills presented in MathReps Workbooks. The Wipebooks have made a significant and transformative impact in my teaching and made Number of the Day something exciting instead of just a task to get completed quickly and move on. 


I am happy to have this math tool and am excited to see just how much growth my students show throughout the rest of the year with MathReps Workbooks.


Sarah Strongosky from Rolling Hills Primary School, Board: Vernon Township