Kindergarten Reading Comprehension: Interactive and Fun!
" The Wipebook Flipchart is my diamond in the rough!"
After 30 years of teaching and countless new products, it can be hard to find a product that I haven’t seen done time and time again. Many products claim to be new and exciting and end up being just the same as others that I have sitting in my storage cabinets. It is also hard to find a product that translates well across grade levels. I’ve taught Kindergarten through Second Grade and I tutor Third Graders a couple times a week. Most products I have for my classroom can’t be used for my older tutoring students and vice versa. The Wipebook Flipchart is my diamond in the rough!
First Things First
I started off using my WipeBook FlipChart the week prior to Martin Luther King Jr. Day. Together, my classroom and I read a book on Martin Luther King Jr. and his life. After our class wrote down a few of the things we had learned about him. My students favourite part was that he gave his “I Have A Dream Speech” and lots of people came to watch him speak.
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Second Time and Seeing Stars
The next time we ventured to use our WipeBook FlipChart, we read the story “Leo the Late Bloomer” by Robert Kraus. To help my students fully comprehend what we read, I had them tell me all of the things Leo couldn’t do at the beginning of the story. We focused this lesson on acceptance and the fact that everybody learns differently and progresses at different paces.
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Invest in Your Students and Watch them Soar
I highly encourage everybody to invest in a WipeBook FlipChart. The reusable pages help save on waste and are easy to clean. My students love to see their answers up on the board in front of the whole class. My colleagues have also commented on how awesome my WipeBook FlipChart is. I am super excited to continue using it in my classroom and hopefully integrating it into my tutoring sessions as well!
Dawn Garrett, Kindergarten Teacher, Rock Lake Elementary School, Orange County Public Schools
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