Daily Practice with Wipebook MathReps

"It’s very easy to include MathReps Workbooks in daily practice."Bradley Reece

As a 5th-grade teacher, I have loved using MathReps Workbooks for our math warm-ups. Students find it easy to use thanks to the reusable pages for practice.  It really helps students to be able to erase and try their answers again.  Some students worry a lot about making mistakes. Being able to fix these mistakes quickly helps boost their confidence.

MathReps Workbooks includes several options, making it very easy to practice skills throughout the year. They also help with some of the missing gap skills that some of my 5th graders need extra practice to make them stronger.  It’s a fun and interactive way to help my students stay engaged and ready to tackle the day’s math challenges!

User-Friendly Experience for Students

MathReps Workbooks are incredibly easy to use, making them an ideal tool for any classroom. Students can work on the problems and then simply wipe them clean.


MathReps Workbooks


This also is great if you have multiple classes in a rotation. It also makes it easy for them to redo problems and practice every day without wasting paper.

The chance to try the problems daily means that students are getting immediate feedback as well as daily practice. The more they practice the faster they get every day. As their instructor, I can walk around and give feedback while they work.

I have seen so much confidence built in my students in just the first few weeks that we started using the Workbooks.

It’s very easy to include MathReps Workbooks in daily practice. When you begin it will take a bit longer to complete for your students. But with consistent practice, students will become familiar with the process, and they can reduce the time it takes to complete it to 5-10 minutes.

Being able to give them immediate feedback helps them improve at every practice. We all know as teachers that if we can give students more “at bats” they improve each day they get that practice in. 

Preteaching Practice: Building Strong Foundations for Success

Another great idea is to use MathReps Workbooks to do some pre-teaching of skills that will be covered in the future. Since it is not curriculum-dependent, you can use any of the templates throughout the year.



They also progress into more difficult concepts throughout the workbook. This also allows students to practice at their own pace. Even if they don't finish all the problems at first, they are getting important practice. This will help them with future lessons.

You can also differentiate the work by having some students only complete parts of the page. This helps build that confidence. As they improve with the first parts of the page, you can add more practice. This way, they won’t feel overwhelmed. This builds such a strong foundation for them to achieve in the upcoming units and lessons. 

Students always struggle with feeling confident in what they already know about a subject. These give them chances to show what they already know and be able to practice multiple representations. Through these other representations, students can see more efficient ways to work through problems.

It also helps with fluency practice. This allows students to solve simple problems faster. They can focus on the easier parts of a problem. As students gain a deeper understanding of these concepts they are able to tackle more challenging problems.  

Building a Strong Foundation

Giving students a strong math foundation is essential to their future success in math. The MathReps Workbooks are a great tool to help teachers be effective in this process. Since each page in the book reinforces key math concepts through repetitive skill practice. This allows students to master these skills.

The students find the “work” enjoyable and fun to practice in the books vs doing the work on regular paper. This makes it easy to keep them engaged during the practice each day. The ability to solve problems on reusable pages with markers and erasers gives students control. They can show their understanding in their own way.



MathReps Workbooks by Wipebook offers a powerful and flexible tool for building foundational math skills. It also builds much-needed confidence in students who need extra daily practice to master core skills in their math.

Their reusable, wipeable pages allow for repeated practice, helping students to reach math goals. Teachers can use MathReps Workbooks for daily warm-ups, preteaching, or reinforcing what students have already learned. They offer an engaging and effective way to help students get ready for more advanced math challenges. MathReps Workbooks are a valuable resource for any math classroom looking to improve their student's skills.

Teacher: Bradley Reece
● Twitter: @ctryfan28
● Instagram: @ctryfan28

School: Valley View Elementary
● Twitter: @ValleyViewCubs
● Facebook: @https://www.facebook.com/ValleyViewCubs

Board: Bradley County Schools

● Twitter: @BradleySchools
● Facebook: @https://www.facebook.com/bradleycountyschools

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