Boosting Math Proficiency with MathReps Workbooks and Wipebook: A Reusable Tool for Math Success

"One of the biggest benefits of using Wipebook’s dry-erase workbooks is the opportunity for immediate feedback."


In my experience as a teacher, one of the biggest challenges in math is giving students quick feedback. It is also important to reinforce basic skills regularly. After I introduced MathReps Workbooks by Wipebook to my students, I saw how useful a reusable tool can be. It helps engage students in daily math warm-ups and improves their overall math skills.

If you don’t know about MathReps Workbooks they are structured exercises. These exercises help students learn important math concepts through practice. The goal is simple: Restart, Redo, Repeat Daily until students build fluency. Pairing this method with the Wipebook reusable dry-erase workbook has been a game-changer for both my students and me!


Why MathReps and Wipebook Work So Well Together


The MathReps Workbooks provide an eco-friendly and practical solution for daily practice. Instead of using countless sheets of paper for warm-ups, students complete their work directly on the dry-erase pages. When we’re done, they simply wipe the pages clean and start fresh the next day. This saves paper and helps students focus on practicing until they fully understand each concept.

The daily repetition with MathReps Workbooks helps solidify skills like number sense, addition and subtraction, place value, and time-telling. With the Wipebook Scan App, I can scan and save each student’s work in the cloud. This gives me a record of their progress over time. This makes it easy to track and share growth!


How I Use MathReps with my Students


For my students, MathReps are part of our math review practice. Every time we work together, my students start with exercises in their MathReps Workbooks.They focus on the skills we have been practicing.

Different students practice different skills depending on their goals. Some may be practicing place value and addition facts while others are focusing on telling time and measurement.

What I love most about the MathReps Workbooks  is how easy it is for students to correct mistakes. They can improve without the frustration of erasing on regular paper. The act of restarting, redoing, and repeating frequently builds confidence and reinforces key math skills.


The Power of Immediate Feedback


One of the biggest benefits of using Wipebook’s dry-erase workbooks is the opportunity for immediate feedback. I can quickly check student work, and offer guidance on the spot. Students enjoy using dry-erase pages to fix their mistakes right away. They don’t feel like they’ve “ruined” their work.


math reps wipebook


The instant feedback loop helps students fix their misunderstandings right away. This is important for building strong math skills. People no longer need to avoid mistakes—they're just part of the process.


Sync and Save with the Wipebook Scan App


To make things even more seamless, you can use the Wipebook Scan App. After each warm-up session, students can scan their work and upload it to our shared classroom cloud folder. This feature is a lifesaver for assessment and record-keeping. It also empowers students to take ownership of their learning progress.


Why You Should Give Wipebook MathReps Workbooks a Try


math reps wipebook


If you want a fun tool to help your students improve in math, try MathReps with the MathReps Workbooks. Daily repetition, quick feedback, and the chance to restart and redo make it a great resource for teachers and students.

Want to see it in action? Download the Wipebook Scan App, grab your MathReps Workbook, and watch your students grow as confident, capable mathematicians. Remember, it’s all about Restart, Redo, and Repeat Daily (#RepRepeat). With Wipebook, you can do this while saving time, paper, and your sanity!


Teacher (name): Virginia Lagana

  • Instagram: @gingerrose5

  • Facebook: @virginiaparkeslagana

School: School Name Burns Science and Technology Charter School

  • Instagram:

  • Facebook: @burnsscienceandtechnologycharterschool

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