Wipebook Scan an essential tool for every teacher




Amy Summers, seventh and eighth grade math and computer science teacher, Amador County Unified School District, California.



I purchased a wipebook scan because I am a math teacher and I  needed a way to make my own images for google documents. I have  been making google form documents as assessments and it takes a  really long time to find a suitable image in any of my materials,  take a photo or save image, and then insert into google form for  a question. I bought the scan because it said "scan" and I  wanted to try the app. I wanted to be able to make a quick  drawing that I can easily put into a google doc very quickly. I  ordered the product, and was nervous that I was impulse buying,  but I was really happy with the product. I can easily make a  math problem, with a mix of graphs, equations, words and whatever  I wanted to really. Then I use the app and then it uploads to my  google drive quite easily.



Wipebook_Teachers_Scan_Math_notes _VNPS_Thinkingclassroom



I'm pretty excited about the possibilities and have already used  it in a way I didn't expect. I make traditional "cloze notes" for  my kids in distance learning while they're watching math videos. I have used a traditional notebook, which I put in my scanner after I'm done, save to my computer then upload to google drive. My most recent notes page I was in a conundrum because I needed  to make notes for "finding area for shapes on a grid". I couldn't use regular composition notebook for that. I ended up  making a whole notes page in my wipebook scan, took a quick photo and then moved it to google drive. It was MUCH quicker than I  expected. I might have to do it for every notes page.






I plan to continue to use a Wipebook in the fall at my new school, in conjunction with OneNote. I bought a spiral bound graph notebook to use for class examples while teaching.  (I should get two more as I'll have 3 different math preps).I also want to pre-plan student notes pages prior to teaching so I don't write more than they need while I"m live teaching. Last year, with sixth graders, I'd just wing it and then they couldn't keep up.  I want to make sure they have useful notes, not just word vomit. I can also use the same pre-planned notes to give to students who have IEP accommodations of teacher provided notes. 



I also bought a small Wipebook Scan to use when I need to take notes at the same time I'm watching a presentation and therefore not able to type or write anything in my surface pro.  Later, I can take a photo of my notes to add to OneNote.




1) I assign the kids Khan Academy video, and have them print or hand copy the video notes I prepared. 

Video Notes- Draw a Quadrilaterals on Coordinate Plane


After they watch the video and do the assigned practice problems, they complete the exit ticket. 

Exit Ticket-Draw Quadrilaterals on Coordinate Plane 



2)  During Zoom meetings with students I use the Wipebook Scan to teach students live by going through the problems with them. 

Zoom Class Example


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