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Stop with the Post-its already

Claims, transactions, details, and thousands upon thousands of numbers speckle my day as a medical biller.


It's a rewarding profession filled with insights though the rapid flood of tasks that hits my desk usually leaves me trapped in the stickiness of Post-it notes. 


Working in the medical field, I respect the relationship between humans and the environment, and know that sustainability reciprocates between the two.


And I am often frazzled by those somewhat annoying neon squares which often find themselves clustered underneath my chair or behind my computer monitor causing me more frustration.


Sometimes I even lose perspective, engrossing myself in either organizing dozens of Post-its in a cutesy manner, or spending several hours out of the week tidying up my office to get rid of these things. 


Browsing the Internet, I stumbled across Wipebook and smiled to myself as I knew right away that I had found a solution to my problem.


Rather than that sticky gunk that only makes Post-its usable for so long, I noticed Wipebook's hypergloss film lets me write my to-do list, revise it, and create a new one without the acrobatic back-bending and full trash cans Post-it notes entail.


I bought 2 Wipebooks, giving the extra to my husband who works as a factory sales representative. And I'm confident it'll thrill him, as he's often worried about having a whiteboard around which is his preferred medium to get stuff done. 


I suspect millions of Post-it notes dazzle and enslave employees across thousands of industries. But for what noble purpose? Jotting down thoughts remains a common desire, but Post-its multiply as thoughts generate, revise, and even reject themselves. The human stream of consciousness yields a gushing flood of thoughts, and Post-its only serve as a littering crutch.


So I say this: Let's begin anew, viewing our thoughts not just as words contained within an annoying neon square, but rather an ongoing flow that commands flexibility, re-working, and re-doing...


Wipebooks do more than keep the flood at bay.


Wipebooks help us adapt and conquer projects and tasks on a daily basis in a responsible manner.


Yours in writing,